Booking (7) - Estonian restaurants

Online reservation


Georgian restaurant in Pärnu

Additional services

wheelchair access, loyalty card, gift card, terrace, projector, pet friendly

Online reservation


We welcome you!

Additional services

wheelchair access, private room or private hall, daily special, live music, terrace, pet friendly, feasts

Online reservation

Strand resto

Dishes made only of natural and healthy ingredients

Additional services

wheelchair access, wheelchair accessible toilet, breakfast, gift card, conference room, projector, accommodation, smoking room or cigar lounge, private room or private hall, wheelchair access, pet friendly

Online reservation

Villa Ammende

If you want something really good ... then we wait for you!

Additional services

private room or private hall, breakfast, live music, gift card, terrace, conference room, projector, pet friendly, food courses, accommodation

Online reservation

Wasa Resort

New restaurant in spa hotel in Pärnu beach area

Additional services

wheelchair accessible toilet, wheelchair access, breakfast, gift card, pet friendly, accommodation, sauna party


Vorstid ja Vahvlid KÖÖK & BAAR

Mix it. Taste it. Share it!

Additional services

wheelchair access, daily special, gift card, terrace, projector, pet friendly


White Beach Golf

White Beach Golf restaurant

Additional services

wheelchair accessible toilet, wheelchair access, breakfast, gift card, terrace, pet friendly