Online reservation

New restaurant in spa hotel in Pärnu beach area

Total rated: 5
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.

Sten Märtin


Suvituse 14, Pärnu, Pärnu County, 80012

Mon     17:00 - 22:00  
Tue     17:00 - 22:00  
Wed     17:00 - 22:00  
Thu     12:00 - 22:00  
Fri     12:00 - 23:00  
Sat     12:00 - 23:00  
Sun     17:00 - 22:00  

The White Guide 2020 restaurant on the ground floor of the hotel serves breakfast, lunch and dinner every weekday. Our chef will make sure you enjoy a nice breakfast and get your day off to a good start.
There is no need to worry about the family being smaller. If they have their stomachs full, they can have a good time in the same children's room.
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.


Business meeting
Company party
We want to stay longer than 3 hours

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Kadi 09:16 31.12.2024

Toit oli maitsev - eriti hea oli pehme ja soe focaccia. Kanafilee paneering oli krõbe ning peedirisoto oli mõnusalt juustune. Wasa resto enda atmosfäär on mõnus ja hubane ning nüüd oli ka jõululist tulede vunki juures. Teenindus oli kiire ja mitte peale surutud. Jäime igati rahule ning restorani külastus oli igati mõnus kirss meie pulma-aastapäeva lõppu.

Leila Mikk 21:10 01.01.2023

DJ ja muusika oli väga hea. Meeldiv üllatus olid auhinnad.

Meelis 08:24 14.07.2022

Suurepärane toiduelamus ja väga meeldiv teenindus