Online reservation

Suveterrass is a year-round cozy cafe-rooftop bar-lounge in the center of Tallinn.

Total rated: 11
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.


110 indoors and 120 on the summer terrace

Kai 5, Tallinn, Harju County, 10111

Mon     Closed  
Tue     12:00 - 23:00  
Wed     12:00 - 23:00  
Thu     12:00 - 23:00  
Fri     12:00 - 01:00  
Sat     12:00 - 01:00  
Sun     12:00 - 23:00  

We are a place that brings together awesome people, good food, interesting drinks, nice vibe and year-round summer.

We are waiting for you to come and enjoy the cozy interior, a beautiful view of the marina and the old town, delicious meals, a wide selection of cocktails, quality coffee, hookah, pleasant music and friendly faces, and in summer, the sun and fresh air on our terrace. The summer terrace is much more than just a cafe or bar. We are one fun and colorful family.

Our concept is inspired by different parts of the world, tropical atmosphere, ocean waves, healthy and delicious food, sustainable society. We want to create a year-round summer mood at Suveterrass!

It is also possible to organize company events, birthdays, Christmas parties, trainings, seminars and other impossible and possible events at Suveterrass.
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.
Vahemere Nädal restoranis Suveterrass ( 12. March, 2025 - 16. March, 2025)


We will respond within 24 hours at the latest. For additional information: we keep reservations for 15 minutes. If you are running late, please notify us at +372 55570006.
No available times on selected date!
We want to stay longer than 3 hours
I would like the Mediterranean Week menu (12.03 - 16.03

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Vahemere Nädal restoranis Suveterrass

Offer valid 16.03.2025
Igal kuul toob Suveterrass teieni midagi uut ja põnevat – meie temaatilised erinädalad sisaldavad erinevate köökide parimatest maitsetest koosnevat 3-käigulist õhtusööki.
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Kirsika Koort 08:51 23.02.2025

Väga maitsev toit, hubane atmosfäär, meeldiv ja sõbralik teenindus.

Maria 14:10 01.01.2025

Pidasime aastavahetust suveterassil. Kõik oli täiuslik meie jaoks. Meeldis laud, väga hea toit, professionaalne ja sõbralik teenindus. Atmosfäär oli lummav, esinejad olid väga hästi valitud. Saime teha ka ägedaid pilte tänu ilusatele dekoratsioonidele. Kindlasti külastame veel :)

Toomas 14:09 01.01.2025

Meeldivalt üllatusime, teenindus oli väga hea.

Maarja-Liisa 09:10 18.12.2024

Jõulumenüü oli väga maitsev ja teenindus supper!

Ann Heinsalu 09:18 21.11.2024

Kõik oli väga kena välja arvatud see treppidest üles ronimine selleks et restorani siseneda. Toit oli hea ning samuti ka teenindus.

Aili Randmaa 12:33 17.11.2024

Kõik oli väga hästi, toit oli maitsev ja serveering apetiitne, teenindus viisakas ja sujuv. 5+

Tiina 10:19 17.11.2024

Kõik oli super - alates teenindusest kuni toiduni välja.

Marika 08:27 15.11.2024

Aitäh maitsva toidu ja sõbraliku teeninduse eest! Uute kohtumisteni!

Kristi 08:56 23.09.2024

aitäh ja kohtumiseni!