Online reservation

Sailing with you!

Total rated: 61
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.

Alo Viirmaa

winter 60, summer 180

Pirita tee 17, Tallinn, Harju County, 11911

Mon     11:00 - 23:00  
Tue     11:00 - 23:00  
Wed     11:00 - 23:00  
Thu     11:00 - 23:00  
Fri     11:00 - 23:00  
Sat     11:00 - 23:00  
Sun     12:00 - 22:00  

The yacht club was reborn on 5 February 2004, when four talented crewmen highly experienced in the art of making a good bar came together and decided to relaunch the once very popular club with a completely new look and level of popularity.

By taking an ‘all hands on deck’ approach, applying a lick of paint and underscoring the maritime theme, the past glory of the club was given a modern new twist. The menu and range of drinks on offer was also given a makeover, and once this was done, passengers could begin coming on board.

The yacht club boasts a unique atmosphere and takes pride in its exemplary service. Everything is designed for your enjoyment – something that will strike you as soon as you step inside. On cooler evenings you can mull over your thoughts by the open fire, while on warm summer nights you can lounge on the terrace and enjoy the river views.

To us, good places advertise themselves. People come here because their friends recommend us to them, or because they love the service we provide and the treats we serve up from the galley. We want you to have fun every time you’re with us, and always feel like coming back. You’re more than welcome to celebrate special occasions with us, too, or simply pop in for a spot of lunch, or spend a nostalgic evening watching the sun go down.
This restaurant offers you the possibility to make online reservations; you will receive confirmation immediately after making the reservation.

You can check the availability of the time when you choose the date and number of people.
If you wish to reserve to following events, please click the title below
FoodLover Restaurants Week 13.-23.02.2025 (13. February, 2025 - 23. February, 2025)


The restaurant responds to offline reservations as soon as possible. For urgent questions, please call the restaurant's direct number.
No available times on selected date!
Summer terrace if possible
We wish to stay for longer than 3 hours
Business meeting
Wedding anniversary

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Anna-Liisa 11:08 20.01.2025

Teenindus, atmosfäär ja toit olid väga head. Soovitan! :)

Mare Kerge 09:25 21.10.2024

Väga meeldis

Viive 13:46 31.08.2023

Atmosfàärile annab miinuspunkte toidukoha väljanägemine-on ajale jalgu jäänud

Ariane 09:32 21.06.2023

Kõik oli muidu super, kuid toitu pidu liiga kaua ootama ja terrassile oleks tahtnud varju peakohale.

Risto-Pearu 08:46 18.04.2023

Mõned asjad ajas ei muutu ja ka kümmekond aastat ei ole atmosfääri ja kvaliteeti viletsamaks muutnud! PS! Tooge maasikasupp laste jaoks tagasi!

Enno 07:50 07.02.2023

Veetsime hubase õhtupooliku vana hea Pirita südames. Aknast avanes vaade vägeva kloostri fassaadile ja talvituvatele merejahtidele. Kuna lemmikloomad on siin teretulnud kutsusime kaasa ka oma bulldogi, kes jäi samuti külastusega rahule.

Margo 10:30 19.11.2022

Jäime väga rahule.

Helle 09:45 20.10.2022

Teenindus oli kiire ja sõbralik, toit maitses suurepäraselt!

Juri 12:14 15.07.2022

Kõik oli super.

Tiit 08:07 11.05.2022

Väga mõnus!

Annely 10:05 02.04.2022

Kõik oli suurepärane

Kaj Mahlberg 23:42 23.10.2021

Hyvä ilmapiiri ja kivassa paikassa oleva pursiseuran ravintola. Sattumoisin lipunlasku samanaikaisesti. Terveiset Helsingfor Segelklubilta (HSK) sekä Svartbäck Segesällskapetilta (SSS).. Kaj Mahlberg

K... 12:29 27.09.2021

Oli hea

Kristi 21:07 31.07.2021

Toit maitses ülihästi.

Triin Tiitsaar 07:43 28.06.2021

Kõik oli suurepärane!

Helena Piirak 10:59 28.05.2021

Imeline toit, atmosfäär ja teenindus

Andres Kütt 09:13 16.08.2020

Tualetid olid ülimalt räpased. Väliterassil varju all olev mööbel äärmiselt ebamugav.

Sirje Arro 09:18 10.08.2020

SUUR TÄNU! Kõik oli nii nagu peab! Sõbralik ja hea!

Gerda 09:25 20.07.2020

Lõhe poke oli maitsev, teenindus väga sõbralik, aitäh!

Kaili 09:34 10.06.2020

Jahtklubi ikka oma tuntud headuses :)