Tähista uue aasta saabumist stiilselt ja maitsekalt Italini restoranis! Ootame sind pidulikule 7-käigulisele õhtusöögile, kus sind ootavad parimad Itaalia maitsed ja eriline atmosfäär.
SKA FAKTOR – this is dance therapy with wind instruments that guarantees a solid dose of well-being! Ska Faktor offers live music that combines energetic ska, reggae, pop, and rock. Their positive style brings great energy to every performance, which resonates with both the audience and the band members.**
On the last day of the year, December 31st at 7:00 PM, the doors of Villa Ammende will open for you so that you can experience something truly unique - an exclusive concert dinner, where the exquisite flavors of the MEKK restaurant and the unique PUULUUP form the whole!
On December 31st, a special New Years Eve dinner will be held at Lee Restaurant starting at 7:00 PM.
Unforgettable New Years Eve with Dance Wonderland Cabaret at Scheels restaurant.
As is customary every year, this year will also be celebrated with dignity, with good company, delicious food, and a party at the end. This year, the beloved Jüri Homenja will provide musical entertainment!
Welcome the New Year at Marc Chagall Restaurant with live music.